Many clients requested a particular colour finish and C-COAT has offered two options:
- Tinntinng of C-COAT base
- Applying a Topcoat over standard C-COAT
In both cases it was important to establish a base colour that should be used when deriving a formula.
When tinnting we noticed that each paint supplier has it’s own BASE WHITE colour used as a starting point and it was important to identify the difference to C-COAT WHITE (see the round plate in upper left corrner) colour code. Also, we had to test a dry sample before confirming the formulation made by colouring software.
When applying a Topcoat the same issue came in as imporant as different paint are covering differently the white surface below. For some only one coat is required abut for others up to 3 coats are required to match the final selection code.
NOTE: Colour code matching publiched here is for a guiding purpose. Check with C-Coat before applying.