The project is made by “The Al Barari Development Company LLC” for the unique dome shaped structures for Al Fanar school in Dubai.
The objectives are to protect the school structures from the extreme heat during summer without interfering with manufacturing and building processes and smoothly integrate it to exterior and interior design.
We have supplied our latest cutting edge technology, C-COAT Thermal Insulating Coating material to ensure Students and school staff experiencing a comfortable atmosphere inside the classes during all seasons.
The structures are also waterproofed while guaranteeing the breathability that will prevent the development of fungi and mould. The product is safe to touch, use near food facilities and 100% environmental safe
The project involved a few hunders of m2 areas that need to be insulated to save energy and provide a “safe to touch” surfaces.
Industrial process plant wall panels are protected with C-COAT System cosistant of TIC 300HH The client have tested initially a small surface and than increased to a lorger area upon which the whole vesell was coated with excelent results.
UPL University of Sustainable Technology has been established by Ankleshwar Rotary Education Society (ARES) to place Gujarat and India at one of the best education places of the World. The journey of UPL University of Sustainable Technology is started way back in 2011 with the establishment of Shroff S.R.Rotary Institute of Chemical Technology (SRICT) conducting UG (B.E.) courses in engineering in affiliation with GTU and approval of AICTE, New Delhi.
During our visit to India we were introduced to UPL and we decided to partner for future projects in India, reserach into thermal and mechnaical properties of C-COAT, testing and certification toghether with working on Indian Government Grants approved projects. The huge and positive interest from the Chemical industry in India resulted in a number of pilot projects aiming to educate and encurage the end users in C-COAT systems and technology.
Over period of previous 2 years C-COAT distributor in India was commencing work with Paragon process plant to prevent injuries from skin burns and save the energy without interfering with production proces in economical way.
C-COAT have met all bjectives and our solution was implemented to most critical places there. The Paragon Engineers have produce a comprahensive case study confirming energy savings acheived with C-COAT thermal insulating coating material.
After reviewing the whole process during our visit to Paragon plant we identified additional uses and also proposed a topcoats for particular parts.