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Al Fanar School, Nad Al Sheba, Dubai UAE
The project is made by “The Al Barari Development Company LLC” for the unique dome...
Thermal insulating of BP plant XERVON Oberflächentechnik GmbH in Germany
The project involved a few hunders of m2 areas that need to be insulated to save energy...
Research and Development cooperation with UPL University India
UPL University of Sustainable Technology has been established by Ankleshwar Rotary...
Footwear Factory Project Paragon India
Over period of previous 2 years C-COAT distributor in India was commencing work with...
Residential project Italy
The young and ambitious crew from the Italian distributer have visited our Poland...
Caravan Home Renovation Project Australia
Mates job made by one of our Team members in Sydney. You can see a happy face at the...
A/C unit for Locomotives project Trovon Australia
The locomotive A/C unit mounted on the roof can’t perform to its specification due to...
Colour matching to codes by paint suppliers in Australia
Many clients requested a particular colour finish and C-COAT has offered two options:...
Re-branding and the new packaging selected for C-COAT
Our Management team have recognised a need for brand improvements based on our...
Pulford Air & Gas project No.3 in Australia
Pulford Air client has requesting to supply container thermally insulated and surface in...
Comprehensive FR testing in IGNIS Laboratory in Australia
The combination of Tests has been performed to determine fire blocking and spreading and...
Thermal protection of NAVY ships project India
Over 3 years project testing and improvements, C-COAT Team have resolved all project...