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Colour matching to RAL code paints in Laboratory in Australia
Client request to match with RAL codes was performed with due diligence in Sydney...
In-house Testing Chamber – Australia
To learn more about C-COAT performance over various applications and substrates we made...
Storage of C-COAT in Poland facility and transporting FCL to world market
Shown are storage of C-COAT in Poland facility and loading FCL to clients. Difficulties...
Virgin Galactic space shuttle project
We were asked if C-COAT is able to provide a protection from the extreme heat while...
The “Safe to Touch” steam pipe 200oC project in INDIA
Indian distributor has demonstrated a “safe to touch” feature of C-COAT products over...
LOKORAIL Project Bratislava Slovakia
The demand for a safe transporting of chemicals exposed to Sun heat during long haulage...
Pulford Air & Gas project No.2 for BHP in Australia
10th December 2020Pulford Air & Gas has ordered more HQ structures with heat...
The first FR testing in IGNIS Laboratory in Australia
The sample of 4.5mm fibre-cement board coated with C-COAT was tested to strict...
Residential Colorbond roof project in Australia
BlueScope Steel Limited is an Australian flat product steel producer that was spun-off...
Hankook Tyre Factory South Korea
Our Korean distributor have orgnised a high level introduction of C-COAT to a major...
SUEZ Water Treatment Plant Steam Pipes by Brolton Group NSW
The SUEZ plant has requested a “safe to touch” feature for their steem pipes t be...
Pulford Air & Gas project No.1 in Australia
22nd April 2019Pulford Air & Gas has ordered heat protection of HQ Containers used...